Saturday, January 20, 2007

Conference Championship Picks

I want to go ahead and make sure I disclaim something before I make my picks. I have probably picked against the New England Patriots every time since they beat the Rams in the Super Bowl in 2001. That may lead you to believe that the Pats are my least favorite team and that I am clearly biased. This is not the case though as my least favorite teams are as follows. The Ravens are clearly my least favorite team in all of sports followed close behind by the Steelers. Not so close behind is the Bengals, however I still like to see teams from Cincinnati, Kentucky lose. Why then have I not picked the Patriots ever in important games? I think there are two reasons. The first is that I went to college in Boston and grow apathetic to teams that I consistently have to deal with their fan bases when I am not a fan of that team. It so happens that Boston fans care very passionately about sports even if some of them are clueless, which can do wonders to my rooting interest in a team. I will admit that I was rooting for the Red Sox to win in 2004, but I think that more so I didn't have to listen to all the bullcrap about how tough it is to be a Red Sox fan. Oh really, rooting for the Red Sox must be so hard. Oh, but wait you have had the experience of rooting for one of the few dynasties in sports history in the Celtics and have managed to win 3 Super Bowls. Even though I am young lets talk about your favorite teams not winning jack since 1964 and thats only if you count the AFL Championship. If you don't, (then you are a moron) then Cleveland's last championship dates back to one of the most underappreciated baseball teams in the 1948 Cleveland Indians. The underratedness of those Indians is for another time and place, but I think you see the point I am trying to make. Back on topic, the second reason for why I always pick against the Pats dates back to the Oakland game in the 2001 playoffs. I understand that according the the rule book, that the tuck was called correctly, and I also understand that this rule still is exactly the same, but let's call that what it really was, a fumble. I have to agree with John madden on this one, that instant replay has had the side affect of rules commitees looking for reasons to call a play something its not. Charles Woodson made a great play that should have won them the game. Instead of the heroics of one player who stepped up and made a playoff game winning play, the referees mattered more.

Colts over Patriots
Here I go again with the pick, but I had to do it. I am a Peyton manning supporter and I don't reall understand all of the hatred for him. Shouldn't we direct all of our anger to someone like Rae Carruth or Jamal Lewis? Sure, manning has played poorly in a number of the Colts playoff losses, but why does he deserve the hatred for this? Well this is the time and place for the Colts. Their expectations are slightly lower than in years past and they are playing at home. Despite the fact that the Chargers were the best team in the NFL this year, it should have to be no other way for manning to win a Super Bowl than to go through the Patriots. The Colts have won the last two years against the Pats (at Foxboro no less), but this is different. It's January and manning fears Belichik. Why then am I taking the Colts? Surprise, its their defense! I think a healthy Bob Sanders has completely changed the presence and confidence of this team. 5 ft 8 and he runs around and kills people. I would call him a combination of Brian Dawkins and Cleveland native Earl Boykins. The Colts D s vastly underrated because of their poor regular season performance, but I am certain Belichik is aware of this. I expect the Patriots to try and reestablish their running game because of the speed of the Colts. my advice to them to would be to forget Corey Dillon and let their young stud runner, laurence maroney, have a field day on turf. maroney is one of the best in the league already at using the stiff arm and its this kind of presence that is needed to beat up a smaller colts D. The problem with this strategy of course is that if manning has any sort of passing rhythm with wayne and a potentially healthy Harrison, a running game might not be able to keep up. I think on paper the Colts should be easy favorites to cover a spread, but it is January and if the game is close late, then I have no doubt the Patriots will pull it out. That said, I think the Colts finally overcome and make a trip to the Super Bowl.

Saints over Bears
This game was even tougher for me to pick because almost everyone seems to be picking the Saints. All I can think about when I envision this game though is Rex Grossman everytime he sees a pass rush. The man is afraid to take a sack and hold onto the football. The most important players in this game is Chicago's offensive line, because the Saints have two very solid pass rushers in Charles Grant and tOSU alum Will Smith (not the pursuit of happyness (sp?) star who has no connection to Ohio.) The Saints secondary is definitely the team's weakness but guess what? They are facing Rex Grossman. my advice to them is don't let Bernard Berrian beat you deep and you will be making a trip to the Super Bowl. Every highlight of Rexy that I saw this year was on a play where he had siginicant time to wind up and gun it deep into the hands of the long-striding Berrian. Every highlight of a bad Rex play that I saw was when a pass rush forced him to make a quick decision and he threw the ball to the other team. I keep hearing how the cold weather of Chicago willl be a huge advantage for the Bears, but I actually think it helps the Saints as Deuce mccalister will deservedly see more opportunities and he should succeed as the Bears d-line has not been able to do as much without their best player in Tommie Harris. What it comes down to though often times is the quarterback in these playoff games. Unfortunately for the Bears, they are badly outclassed in this one. Keep Brees on his Chargers team this year and they win the Super Bowl. No doubt in my mind. Put Brees on a New Orleans team that went 3-13 last year and voila, Super-Bowl bound. Don't be surprised if a few calls go the Saints way tomorrow either. Even though I certainly believe the games aren't rigged, I do think that the NFL and other leagues may have a tendency to "help out" teams that they view as being a better option in the premier event of the year. I don't have much of a rooting interest in this game, so you can take this pick more seriosuly than you necessarily would with the AFC championship.

Conference Championships

Like any one else, I have a couple thoughts about last weekend's games before I want to delve into the Conference Championships. Most of the talk has been about the Chargers/Pats game, and rightfully so: it was the most entertaining, had the most "what if?" moments, added proof to two legacies (Marty not able winning the big one, Brady and Belichick being spectacular when it matters), was the easiest to criticize (particularly LT's lack of involvement and Marty's questionable decisions)... the list goes on (although I'm still not sure why Philip Rivers hasn't been talked about more, especially for that horrendous pick he threw in Pats' territory on 2nd and 1). Anyway, I just have a few brief thoughts about the other games of the week:

  • As an Eagles' fan, I was impressed at how well they stood up to the Saints and how close they made that game, but then I realized something: Jeff Garcia essentially cancelled out All-Pro Drew Brees, and Philly still lost. I wasn't expecting them to win, but if someone told me Garcia would have almost identical numbers as Brees, I would've assumed Philly would be playing for a trip to the Super Bowl. Anyway, they lost the game not because of Reid deciding to punt (any one who's ever played Madden knew that was a bad plan) but because of their run defense, and it's a shame because what has Philly invested in more than their d-line? In recent years they've spent 3 first round picks (McDougle, Bunkley, Patterson) and, despite their tendency not to spend money, 2 of their 3 biggest free agent signings were defensive linemen (Kearse and Howard). Whether it's injuries or underachievers, they never were able to put a solid group together all year, and it's a shame because that was supposed to be their strong point. They couldn't get any penetration to stop Deuce and they couldn't come near Brees. I don't mind Philly losing if their weaknesses (which they have plenty of) were exploited, but when your alleged strength holds you back, it's depressing, it's pathetic... it's Philadelphia
  • Marty Schottenheimer has been the coach most under fire this week, but Brian Billick was equally awful. How do they only run 20 times against the Colts (only 13 going to their primary running back) in a game that was close throughout? Remember when this guy was an offensive genius? Neither do I. And wasn't Steve McNair brought in to win games exactly like this? Talk about your all time backfires.
  • I didn't see most of the Seahawks/Bears game so I don't want to say anything stupid, but I do find it funny that people refuse to admit Matt Hasselbeck is a bad quarterback. Forget that he was in the Super Bowl last year. He's not accurate and makes some awful decisions. People will learn soon enough.

Now that I'm done with that, on to the Conference Championships. I just want to preface this by saying these games are very, very hard to pick.

Saints (+2.5) over Bears

Here, we have a dome team travelling to Chicago in January, something that's typically a red flag when it comes to making picks. On the other hand, every one and their mother seems to be picking the Saints, another red flag because typically when there's almost a universally accepted pick, it turns out to be wrong. Both seem to point to picking Chicago, but if I learned anything from the Chargers/Pats game, it reinforced the fact that this is a qb/coach league, so I'll just look at the game from an analytical, logical standpoint and ignore both rules. Anyway, I see the Bears as having an overrated defense, particularly against the pass (remember how they lost in the playoffs last year?). I think Brees can pick them apart all day. Plus, without Tommie Harris, they're gonna have a very, very hard time stuffing a powerful back like Deuce. I don't think Rex will be the downfall of the Bears (he should do ok), I just feel that defense isn't historically good like we all thought it was around week 8. In fact, it's pretty average and can't compensate for an "ok" qb, and that's not enough against the Saints.

Colts (-3) over Patriots

On one hand, we know the Colts have crushed the Pats the last two years in Foxboro. On the other hand, we know Peyton Manning struggles in January and Tom Brady is essentially untouchable (although an interesting stat on Sportscenter showed that Manning has slightly better, albeit still unimpressive, 4th quarter playoff numbers than Brady since 2001, so let's stop deifying Brady and condemning Manning for their big moment performances). On one hand, the Colts are undefeated at home this year. On the other hand, Brady has never lost in a dome. Since all that cancels out, I'm picking the Colts based on one thing: speed. The Patriots struggle against fast defenses. Why? A couple reasons. First off, the quick linebackers on those teams can defend tight ends, so there are no mismatches forced (either a slow linebacker who can't play pass coverage, or forcing opposing teams to play nickel and dime to defend the pass, leaving them vulnerable to Dillon and Maroney). Secondly, the Patriots have no playmakers at their skill positions to make big plays against quick teams, so poor Brady tries to do too much and ends up making some awful mistakes. Some of those picks he threw against the Colts this year were balls he never would have thrown if he had any receivers he could trust to turn a 8 yard slant into a 25 yard gain, but he knew they needed points because they couldn't stop the Colts and he took it upon himself. That's why Denver and Indy have had success against them over the last 2 years, and why the Chargers made Brady look pretty average last week. The Patriots also have one of the slowest defenses in the league, and that doesn't match up well against the Colts in a dome. Too many playmakers in my mind, so I'm going with Indy. And on a side note, how are people tired of Pats/Colts? I know it's overexposed, but isn't it a great story? Can Manning win the big one and go down as one of the greatest qbs of all time, or is he only a great statistical qb? How far can the Brady/Belichick legend go with a team that, in my mind, is actually in a rebuilding stage? How does that not interest football fans? I thought rivalries are what sports are built on. What's a better rivalry than this in the NFL?

Well, you have my picks. Use them wisely and enjoy the games.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Chargers-Patriots Reaction

Wow, what an enjoyable game to watch. As an avid Browns fan and to a smaller extent, a supporter of the Chiefs, it was great for me to watch Bill Belichik square up against marty shottenheimer. What will hold Belichik from going down as the first or second best coach in NFL history will almost certainly be his stint with the Browns in which he coached five years and only had a winning record once before getting fired. my affection for marty shottenheimer had also returned after his last playoff collapse had been fading from my memory, so I knew that I was in for a reminder as to why he is a complete dunce when a playoff game is on the line. As you will see I am going to be very critical of the Chargers in this post outside of LDT and Donnie Edwards. This week we will get the pleasure of hearing once again how Tom Brady "just wins games" and while I generally agree, mr. Brady did his best to not win that game until the Bolts handed it to him on a silver platter.

Perhaps my biggest problem with the decline of the ESPN empire has been that they have completely removed critical anaylsis as part of their m.o. and instead those running the highlights yell stuff like "Bananas" during their highlights. Sean Salisbury started out as a great analyst and after they gave him a running gig ripping apart Johan Clayton, his ego swelled and he decided that he was the be-all of football knowledge. I don't want to get to into this now, but in the future I will write a long post about my issues with how ESPN has changed for the worst since the glory days of Rich Eisen and Kenny mayne.

Back to the game, I am completely disappointed in the Chargers. I myself don't have too much hatred for the Patriots, but I was clearly in favor of a Chargers victory. Their only real weakness as a team heading into the playoffs in my opinion was a first year QB leading the team. Let's make no mistake though, Ladainian Tomlinson is the best player in the NFL and he takes a lot of pressure off of Rivers. Rivers to his credit, did not play terribly, and is certainly not the goat of this game. So let's run through why the Chargers lost this game, and not the Patriots winning.

Eric Parker is my first target. Some people simply cannot handle the pressure of a big game, and if there was anyone on the field today that looked scared or lost, it was mr. parker. Dropped passes in the first quarter that killed drives. A fumbled punt in which he badly misjudged the distance followed by the second dumbest play of the game, in which he tried to pick it up instead of immediately falling on the ball. I'm not sure if Shottenheimer has ever announced to his team that they have the best player in football! Don't do anything dumb, just keep possession and we will run this guy all day. It's a no lose situation! Just a horrendous decision. At that point, I could feel the implosion coming. This airhead play was only to be outdone by marlon mcree, a self-proclaimed future coach in this league. While at first it seemed as if he just got unlucky with Troy Brown making another clutch play, after thinking about this further I realized this: it was fourth down! You don't even need to catch it, knock the ball down and you get better field position! Once again though the Chargers seemed to forget that they had the best back in football on their team. make the patriots prove that they can stop him. if they do, then and only then do they deserve to win that football game last night.

While marty had very little to do with either of those plays, he unfortunately cannot chalk this one up to bad luck. I understand that marty does not call plays on offense or defense, so I am going to blame all 3 of the coaches as a whole for the following decisions. First, that challenge was atrocious. I understand it was unfortunate that mcree made a boneheaded play, and I also understand that if you somehow win that challenge, the game is effectively over. I'm sorry though, terrible challenge. Plain and simple. I know you are up 8, marty, but it's the Patriots, and you might need that timeout later in the game. So after the Pats tied it up, the Chargers had a chance to answer. What would I be doing if i am the offensive coordinator. Well, I'd be giving the ball to Tomlinson, the league mvp, every play and riding my best player. If he can't win this thing for us, then so be it. The series in particular that bothers me was when Ladainian picked up 5-6 yards on first down. Sounds effective enough, especially with a tiring Pats D that hasn't really stopped him all game. Well the next two plays were the worst two offensive calls of the game. Pass, pass? What are they thinking? Even worse, they threw at Asante Samuel on third down. Give credit to Belichik for double teaming Gates on that play and forcing Rivers to go at Asante. The Pats would be wise to re-sign him this offseason. At this point the Chargers deserved to lose despite being the most-talented team on the field and frankly, outclassing the Pats. The last problem I had, which is hard to criticize the d-coordinator for since they were blitzing all game, but on that 3rd and 10 late, I would have had more than 3 DBs and not let Jammer play press coverage. Sit the DBs back at the first down line and make them complete it underneath you. The rest is history. Predictably, the Chargers had no timeouts to work with on their desperation last drive. The 3 yard Gates pass was a terrible decision, perhaps Rivers worst of the game (actually I am forgetting that lob pass that Colvin picked). I liked kicking the field goal with 8 seconds to go instead of running another play. You are facing the best-coached team in the league, too much can go wrong. At that point its a slim chance you are going to win, so let your kicker see if he can make a big time kick. Unfortunately for them, it didn't work out.

Let's make no mistake here, Tom Brady played horribly. He skipped a surefire touchdown at the feet of Ben Watson. He threw 3 picks and it could have been 5 or 6. But if you give that guy a chance at the end, (the guy has ice in his veins) he will forget all of the past and he will come through. You have to admire that. Belichik puts the game in his hands. And this is why the Chargers lost, they needed to put the ball in their best player's hands and they didn't. I am convinced that the Chargers were the best team in the league this year, but if you can't let the best player in the league do his thing, I think you deserve to lose. Eight touches in the second half for Ladainian? Not going to cut it marty.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Round 2 picks

What's good people? Unfortunately, I'm actually pressed for time these next couple days so I don't have time for a formal introduction right now. Anyway, I'm going to be very brief. Since my colleague already picked the games straight up, I'll pick with the spread just so I'm not regurgitating what was already posted. Anyway, I obviously didn't post last week's games, but you'll have to trust me that I was 3-1 against the spread, only missing Seattle (-2.5). So, let's get to it

Colts (+4) over Ravens
Baltimore has a great defense, but Peyton is undefeated against them in his career and has never really looked confused at anything Baltimore has thrown his way (like he did against the Chargers and Steelers last year). Granted, to my knowledge this is the first year Baltimore frequently uses a 3-4, which theoretically should give Peyton problems, but I like the matchups on the outside too much with Harrison and Wayne. I also like how the Colts run more short routes and Peyton has more check down receivers so the ball is out of his hands quickly (his indecisiveness and happy feet cost them the last 3 years in the playoffs). The only way to stop Manning this year has been to run the ball effectively, sustain drives, and keep him from getting in a rhythm. I don't see Steve McNair and Jamal Lewis pulling that off

Eagles (+5) over Saints
For those who don't know, I have a strong Eagles' bias. But I've managed to convince myself that they match up very well against New Orleans (I'm a jackass). Their offense is much more balanced this year, primarily because of the upgrade at center with Jamaal Jackson and the fact that Shawn Andrews has lost about 30 pounds since last year. Their mobility allows them to pull to the outside, letting Westbrook use his speed on the perimeter which is where he's most effective (as opposed to in between the tackles). I think Philly keeps this close because they'll put up a decent amount of points. Plus, despite the emotional advantage one would assume the Saints have at home, they're only 4-4 in New Orleans this year. I will however admit that the prospect of Brees going against a secondary that will start Roderick Hood and Sean Considine (ugh) scares the crap out of me, but hey, at least we have Jeff Garcia.

Bears (-8.5) over Seahawks
I just remember these teams playing earlier this year and it not being close. I can't get that image out of my head. And we all know Rex Grossman isn't a good quarterback, but he has been relatively serviceable against crappy teams (aside from Arizona and the last game of the year). Seattle's secondary is banged up enough for Grossman to actually be effective, and Chicago is unstoppable if Grossman plays decently.

Patriots (+5) over Chargers
Remember when the Steelers went 15-1 during Roethlisberger's rookie year (including a win against the Pats) primarily by not making mistakes and letting the defense and run game make plays, then in the playoffs Big Ben looked completely lost and threw 5 picks in 2 games, including 3 against the Pats in the conference championship? For some reason I feel a similar scenario for Philip Rivers. He's struggling enough lately as is (December was his worst month in terms of completion percentage and rating) and I just feel Belichick will confuse the poor kid to no end. Plus, I never feel comfortable picking against Tom Brady. If I ever made a rule book for sports gambling, that would probably be in it.

Well, that's all I got for now. Needless to say, now that I actually am posting my picks, I fully expect to go 0-4, but I also don't expect too many people to read this and witness my stupidity, so no harm is done. Enjoy the games fellas.

NFL Playoffs Week 2

Unfortunately I was late in getting this going, so I wasn't able to post my playoffs picks for
round 1. You are going to just have to take my word for it that I picked all of the games correctly and stand 4-0. I don't like to pick against the spread for these purposes unless I have money on the game, so don't give me any BS about how its easier to pick without a spread. I already know thats the case, but sports wouldn't be fun to watch if we knew who was going to win always beforehand.

A few thougts about last week's games before I make my picks. First, I was surprised at the number of people jumping on the chiefs bandwagon because their first inclination was that Colts run D would not be able to stop Larry Johnson. Intuitively this makes sense, but if you have spent any time actually watching football this year instead of following your fantasy team, you would know that Trent Green was terrible all season, even before he tore his leg in half. For all of the trouble that Peyton manning gets, I will take him at home against Trent Green every day of the week. Not to mention that the Colts have owned the Chiefs since the mid 90's in the playoffs. I remember, because I was born in Kansas City and have been a mild supporter of the Chiefs. Unfortunately I missed the Seattle game, due to family committments, but I am glad Tony Romo blew it. I was never on that bandwagon. I was however, on the "Tony Romo is better than Drew Bledsoe" bandwagon which isn't saying very much. Parcells smartly inserted Romo into the starting lineup during the Cowboys easier stretch in the season to give the kid confidence. He completely imploded late in the year most notable in the utter beatdown laid down by the Saints in Texas Stadium. The Patrios-Jets is not really worht talking about, a matchup of two overrated teams that cruised into the playoffs on the easiest schedules in football. The Eagles-Giants game was also kind of disappointing despite it being close. I was expecting another crazy fourth quarter that seems to always happen when these teams play. Alas, Giants fans have another year of Tom Coughlin and Eli manning running the ship next year this time without Tiki Barber there to bail them out.

Colts over Ravens
I am under the belief that after resting his players prematurely last year, Tony Dungy is trying a different approach this year by making sure his team was not the favorite heading into postseason play. Very wise if you ask me because teams for whatever reason need to tell themselves that they are the underdogs to get themselves motivated. Well Peyton manning still has a lot to prove despite being the best QB in the NFL, because many now see him as a choke artist. As for the Ravens, they made a killing off of luck the entire season, and I am a complete doubter of this team, although I am clearly biased. I find it difficult to root for a team that employs a coke dealer and a murderer that between them only spent 4 months in prison. Then when I watch the Browns blow their only chance at a quality win against the Ravens this year because for of one of the worst play calls of the season, I find it hard to back the Ravens. I mean seriously, they almost lost to the Browns. I think the Colts will throw the ball all day, as running is clearly a bad option against the Ratbirds. Ravens 13 Colts 24

Saints over Eagles
As much as I enjoy pulling for the Eagles, they may have run out of steam here and seriously, how far can Jeff Garcia carry a team? The Saints on the other hand have a dynamic offense that can beat you several different ways, and should look to exploit the Eagles secondary without Lito Sheppard (whooa oh oh oh oh). The Eagles have had a successful offense because of the emergence of Shaun Andrews as one of the best guards inf ootball to run off of which in turn has given Brian Westbrook his best season as a runner and not a receiver. The Saints are playing for a rebuilding city and I am a believer in emotion playing a part fo the game. Drew Brees should be able to spread the field and pick apart the Eagles. We also all know what Reggie Bush can do in the spotlight. Look for at least one game changing play out of him these playoffs. Eagles 10 Saints 28

Bears over Seahawks
The impending disaster that is Rex Grossman couldn't have lucked out any better for their first game of these playoffs. They have already dominated Seattle once this season and Seattle's defense is about 50% as good as last year's team. matt hasselbeck has quickly gone fro pinpoint passer to fear to uncool in the pressure Drew Bledsoe throwing a crucial interception that is returned for a touchdown. Unfortunately Seattle also no longer has the most dominating left side of the line in football and Shaun Alexander has lost some of his prominence. The Bears on the otherhand have a fantastic defense and great special teamss. So long as Lovie doesn't decide to put the game into Rex's hands, they should run the ball all day and live off of Gould field goals. I see this being low-scoring with the Bears surrendering single digit points. Bears 16 Seahawks 6

Chargers over Patriots
This should be the closest game of the weekend solely becayse of Tom Brady being able to run an offense that gives him very little in the way of a supporting cast. He's a good ballplayer and has a great postseason record to back it. The Chargers on the other hand will test his cool since they have the best pass rush defense that I have seen in a few years. Steroids or no steroids, Shaun merriman will not be blocked. The Patriots best chance to win may be to attack the secondary, but they unfortunately have the worst wideouts int he playoffs, even worse than the Rats. While I am not sold on Phillip Rivers, it can be easy to be a QB when you have LDT taking the pressure off of you. Rivers may disappoint later on, but this first game at home will be a Lananian led attack that ultimately wears down the Pats D and sends the Chargers to the next round. Chargers 23 Patriots 20
Enjoy this week's games

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Hello and welcome,

This is the first post for this blog which has been created for two diehard sports fans to accomplish two things:

1. Vent about the frustrations that are associated with being fans of their favorite teams
2. Discuss, debate, and even make predictions about sports because we both feel that the people being put on TV nowadays have no idea what they are talking about.

We will not be afraid to make bold predictions and you will see that our predictions are not often mainstream or trendy picks. We will also give rationale supported by our own logic. You will find us knowledgable about all sports except for hockey which will be the last mention of that sport that you will ever find in this blog. We also will not talk very much about New York or Boston teams, if you need more coverage on any of these teams turn on ESPN or go to

Why then are we calling this site Tortured Sports Fans? Well, you will find out as time passes, but I will briefly state that I grew up mainly in Cleveland, Ohio. I claim the Indians, Browns, Cavaliers, missouri tigers, and Boston College Eagles as my favorite teams. my fellow writer, Dawson, is a diehard fan of teams from Philadelphia. If you know even a little about sports, you know then that these two cities are world-renowned losers and the very best at breaking the hearts of their fans. I will let Dawson talk a little bit more about himself and his teams in his introductory post.

I apologize for the serious nature of this first post. Some of my articles will be funny, I just find that it will come naturally and decided not to force the issue in this first introductory post. The number of posts will also be less frequent than in the future as my current crap computer is on its last legs. Once I am on the new cpu, the posts will be more frequent and frankly more interesting. But be sure to check back later this week for Dawson's first post as well as our second round NFL playoffs picks. I hope you give us a chance as I think you will enjoy our discussions if you are a sports fan.
