Saturday, January 20, 2007

Conference Championship Picks

I want to go ahead and make sure I disclaim something before I make my picks. I have probably picked against the New England Patriots every time since they beat the Rams in the Super Bowl in 2001. That may lead you to believe that the Pats are my least favorite team and that I am clearly biased. This is not the case though as my least favorite teams are as follows. The Ravens are clearly my least favorite team in all of sports followed close behind by the Steelers. Not so close behind is the Bengals, however I still like to see teams from Cincinnati, Kentucky lose. Why then have I not picked the Patriots ever in important games? I think there are two reasons. The first is that I went to college in Boston and grow apathetic to teams that I consistently have to deal with their fan bases when I am not a fan of that team. It so happens that Boston fans care very passionately about sports even if some of them are clueless, which can do wonders to my rooting interest in a team. I will admit that I was rooting for the Red Sox to win in 2004, but I think that more so I didn't have to listen to all the bullcrap about how tough it is to be a Red Sox fan. Oh really, rooting for the Red Sox must be so hard. Oh, but wait you have had the experience of rooting for one of the few dynasties in sports history in the Celtics and have managed to win 3 Super Bowls. Even though I am young lets talk about your favorite teams not winning jack since 1964 and thats only if you count the AFL Championship. If you don't, (then you are a moron) then Cleveland's last championship dates back to one of the most underappreciated baseball teams in the 1948 Cleveland Indians. The underratedness of those Indians is for another time and place, but I think you see the point I am trying to make. Back on topic, the second reason for why I always pick against the Pats dates back to the Oakland game in the 2001 playoffs. I understand that according the the rule book, that the tuck was called correctly, and I also understand that this rule still is exactly the same, but let's call that what it really was, a fumble. I have to agree with John madden on this one, that instant replay has had the side affect of rules commitees looking for reasons to call a play something its not. Charles Woodson made a great play that should have won them the game. Instead of the heroics of one player who stepped up and made a playoff game winning play, the referees mattered more.

Colts over Patriots
Here I go again with the pick, but I had to do it. I am a Peyton manning supporter and I don't reall understand all of the hatred for him. Shouldn't we direct all of our anger to someone like Rae Carruth or Jamal Lewis? Sure, manning has played poorly in a number of the Colts playoff losses, but why does he deserve the hatred for this? Well this is the time and place for the Colts. Their expectations are slightly lower than in years past and they are playing at home. Despite the fact that the Chargers were the best team in the NFL this year, it should have to be no other way for manning to win a Super Bowl than to go through the Patriots. The Colts have won the last two years against the Pats (at Foxboro no less), but this is different. It's January and manning fears Belichik. Why then am I taking the Colts? Surprise, its their defense! I think a healthy Bob Sanders has completely changed the presence and confidence of this team. 5 ft 8 and he runs around and kills people. I would call him a combination of Brian Dawkins and Cleveland native Earl Boykins. The Colts D s vastly underrated because of their poor regular season performance, but I am certain Belichik is aware of this. I expect the Patriots to try and reestablish their running game because of the speed of the Colts. my advice to them to would be to forget Corey Dillon and let their young stud runner, laurence maroney, have a field day on turf. maroney is one of the best in the league already at using the stiff arm and its this kind of presence that is needed to beat up a smaller colts D. The problem with this strategy of course is that if manning has any sort of passing rhythm with wayne and a potentially healthy Harrison, a running game might not be able to keep up. I think on paper the Colts should be easy favorites to cover a spread, but it is January and if the game is close late, then I have no doubt the Patriots will pull it out. That said, I think the Colts finally overcome and make a trip to the Super Bowl.

Saints over Bears
This game was even tougher for me to pick because almost everyone seems to be picking the Saints. All I can think about when I envision this game though is Rex Grossman everytime he sees a pass rush. The man is afraid to take a sack and hold onto the football. The most important players in this game is Chicago's offensive line, because the Saints have two very solid pass rushers in Charles Grant and tOSU alum Will Smith (not the pursuit of happyness (sp?) star who has no connection to Ohio.) The Saints secondary is definitely the team's weakness but guess what? They are facing Rex Grossman. my advice to them is don't let Bernard Berrian beat you deep and you will be making a trip to the Super Bowl. Every highlight of Rexy that I saw this year was on a play where he had siginicant time to wind up and gun it deep into the hands of the long-striding Berrian. Every highlight of a bad Rex play that I saw was when a pass rush forced him to make a quick decision and he threw the ball to the other team. I keep hearing how the cold weather of Chicago willl be a huge advantage for the Bears, but I actually think it helps the Saints as Deuce mccalister will deservedly see more opportunities and he should succeed as the Bears d-line has not been able to do as much without their best player in Tommie Harris. What it comes down to though often times is the quarterback in these playoff games. Unfortunately for the Bears, they are badly outclassed in this one. Keep Brees on his Chargers team this year and they win the Super Bowl. No doubt in my mind. Put Brees on a New Orleans team that went 3-13 last year and voila, Super-Bowl bound. Don't be surprised if a few calls go the Saints way tomorrow either. Even though I certainly believe the games aren't rigged, I do think that the NFL and other leagues may have a tendency to "help out" teams that they view as being a better option in the premier event of the year. I don't have much of a rooting interest in this game, so you can take this pick more seriosuly than you necessarily would with the AFC championship.

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